Monday, June 23, 2008

I'll believe anything..

There are two people without whom, Let's Be Friends Again : A Tiny Comic (LBFA:ATC) would not have been possible.
Those two people are Curt and I.

Then there are two other people right after that (sorta just below) that also helped.
Those two people are Joel Priddy and Shane McDermott.

Probably the most awesome thing about making comics is the fact that when you make them, you can ask your way more talented friends to help make your comic not suck.
Such as by asking them to draw a pin-up of you for the back cover that ends up being basically the greatest thing ever.
Shane was responsible for not only lettering the thing, but spending his valuable time teaching me how to letter it like a real comic instead of like a flyer for Ubee's or something that you take when the guy hands it to you, but you know you're just gonna throw it away as soon as you can.
And don't worry, Shane, because you're also now stuck with the awesome responsibility of having to come up with a pin-up for LBFA2 that tops Joel's!

Above and beyond those things though, both of these guys helped us every step of the way reading the script, giving their thoughts, laughing at the appropriate points, helping me figure out the layouts, looking over my thumbnails, teaching us how to tie our shoes, making us dinner, telling me my finished pages were "good enough", and so forth.

I don't think Curt and I would be making comics if it weren't for them and all of their help, and we really can't thank them enough for being so generous with their time and talents.

And for what you're really here to see, a picture of Freddie Mercury dressed as a cat.


Pulpatooner said...


Curt Franklin said...

Yes, Joel and Shane are winners in my book.

My sexy, sexy book.

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Blush indeed. I haven't heard anything that nice about myself in...well...I've never heard anything that nice about myself! We may have helped, but that help wouldn't have meant anything had you gentlemen not had the talent and drive to make it happen in the first place!